Related article: ANECDOTAL SPORT.
posed the scene was not carried
on with the silence the sanctity of
the place and the lateness of the
hour required. The steps of some
one descending the staircase from
the apartments of old Dr. Craven,
the president of the college, were
heard by the quick ear of the
giver of the revel. ' For hea-
ven's sake, gentlemen, get out of
my rooms, or I shall be ruined ! *
he cried. The combatants were
with some difficulty torn asunder,
the head of the ex-quartermaster
being rescued from beneath the
left arm of the Brighton drags-
man, who had succeeded in
getting it into ' chancery/ and
the whole party managed to effect
a retreat through the courtyard to
the porter's lodge, and gained the
street. Here the combat was re-
newed, and might have lasted
some time, had it not been an-
nounced by certain flying parties,
who had, probably, been cele-
brating similar orgies elsewhere,
that the proctors were on the
alert, upon which warning there
was a general < skedaddle.* "
The aforesaid Mr. Vaughan
was, for five-and-forty years, one
of the lions of the University of
Cambridge, and became so popu-
lar at the " Bell '* with the under-
graduates that the dons prevented
his license being renewed ; after
which he drove the Cambridge
" Up Telegraph " every morning
from the ** Sun " in Trumpington
Street, half-way to London, and
drove the " Down Telegraph "
from the half-way point to Cam-
bridge every afternoon. Dick
Vaughan was a great cocker, and
one day invited the writer I have
quoted to visit his cockpit. " I
proceeded," says the latter, "to
mount a ladder which was lowered
from the reception-room for the
admission of those who had the
entree, and the entree being effected.
was pulled up again to prevent
the Generic Carbamazepine intrusion of the uninvited.
Mr. Vaughan was divested of his
upper garments with the excep-
tion of his shirt, the sleeves of
which being rolled up close to his
armpits, disclosed a pair of long,
bony antennae, smeared with blood.
In his hands he held a favourite
• black-breasted red,' which he
was preparing to launch in mortal
combat against a * duck wing,'
for which another individual
known as * Scotch George ' acted
as second. Around the pit, which
was formed of newly-cut turf, was
assembled a mixed company,
* Town and Gown,' all anxious
for the coming event, and em-
ployed in backing the bird which,
in their respective judgments, was
to be the winner. I will not
attempt a description of the scene
which followed. The contest of
the pugnacious animals termi-
nated in the death of the * duck
wing,' followed by a yell of exul-
tation from Vaughan, who was a
considerable gainer by the even-
ing's diversions."
About this time a curious cha-
racter, named Jemmy Gordon,
was a well-known personality in
Cambridge and on Newmarket
Heath. A noisy, drunken, witty,
impudent blackguard, who would
hold a horse, sell the **c'reckt
card," or do any other loafing
business to get a drink. Nobody
knew where he lived or slept. He
wore satin breeches, open at the
knees, no stockings, boots half-
way up his legs, and a huge
cocked hat on his head. Yet the
fellow was a good Latin scholar,
and earned many a half-guinea by
writing exercises for idle under-
graduates. He was no respecter
of persons, and when under the
influence of beer or gin, would
call at the rooms of the under-
graduates, and even of the biggest
dons. Buy Carbamazepine Online One day he entered the
apartment of Dr. Mansell, Bishop
of Bristol, and with drunken
eflfrontery, requested the loan of
half-a-crown. The prelate, highly
indignant, told him to begone.
But Jemmy held his ground till
the bishop, rising in great wrath,
exclaimed, ** Vagabond, begone !
Return here when you can bring
a greater scoundrel than yourself,
and then 1*11 give you five shil-
lings." And on the word pushed
him out, slamming the door behind
As Jemmy descended into the
courtyard of Trinity College, he
encountered a great pot, Esquire
Bedell Beverly. " Mr. Beverly,*'
he said, taking off his cocked hat
and bowing, ** you're the very
gentleman I was in search of.
The Bishop of Bristol has just
sent me in search of you; he is
most anxious to see you at once,
and I am to accompany you to his
lordship's presence." Mr. Beverly
was no great favourite of Dr.
Mansell's, and was very anxious
for his good opinion : so, although
he was a little surprised at the
messenger selected, he lost no
time in following him. Jemmy
opened the door of the room from
which he had just been expelled,
and almost thrust his victim into
it. " Your lordship," he said,
*'you promised me five shillings
when I should bring here a greater
scoundrel Carbamazepine Online than myself; allow me
to present Mr. Beverly to your
lordship, and claim the gratuity."
The bishop and his visitor stared
at each other for a moment, and
then the latter bolted. Jemmy
remained, and his lordship, either
to get rid of him, or from a con-
viction that he had earned his
reward, handed him over the five
Amongst the odd sporting cha-
racters in Cambridge in my time
was old Callaby, who kept a
** fancy establishment Buy Carbamazepine " in Ram
Yard. There was always a
badger on the premises for "gent's
dawgs" to display their prowess in
" drawing " ; rats, too, were
always in stock for those who
enjoyed the noble and exhilarat-
ing sport of watching a terrier
slaughter the terrified and help-
less rodents; there was a raven
who was a perfect marvel of cun-
ning and wickedness and whom
Callaby would back to kill rats
against most dogs. But the most
pitiable and remarkable object in
this strange menagerie was a
forlorn and dilapidated eagle
whose melancholy fate it was to
have to afford sport to foolish
human fiedglings by slaying rats.
I think I have never seen a more
mournful and pathetic sight than
that eagle as he looked round with
an air of shame and humiliation
on the thoughtless boys who had
come to witness his degradation.
So must blind Samson have looked
when he made sport for the
Philistines !
I shall never forget old Cal-